🆕 Mentions in groups
 🆕 Mentions in groups

🆕 Mentions in groups

Mentions in a chat will speed up the communication within your company or with your clients, as each person will easily know when their attention is required. .

Consentio Webapp

To use the feature mentions in groups, firstly create a group (see here how to do it) or direct yourself to an already created group.


Once inside the group, click on the typing box and type @ and a menu containing all the chat members will appear.


Select the chat member that you want to mention and write your message. The mentioned person will receive a notification on their phone, smartwatch or computer.


Consentio Mobile App

To use the feature mentions in groups, firstly create a group (see here how to do it) or direct yourself to an already created group.


Once inside the group, click on the typing box and type @ and a menu containing all the chat members will appear.


Select the chat member that you want to mention and write your message. The mentioned person will receive a notification on their phone, smartwatch or computer.
