Your Purchases section
Your Purchases section

Your Purchases section

The ‘Purchases’ section gathers all the information about the purchases performed by your team providing you a clear view of your activity.

Consentio Webapp

Go to your ‘Purchases’ section where you will have the information regarding the purchases made within Consentio.


Under ‘My purchases’ you will have direct access to all the orders that you have placed showing the status, the Workspace to which they belong, the order reference, the supplier’s name, the delivery address, the date created, the number of items within the order and the total price.


If you select the envelope, you can mark an order as read or unread.


If you click on the order, you will be able to see the order details and you will be able to ‘Download’ the order in PDF format or to an Excel file. You can also leave comments, upload documents for your supplier and repeat the order.


You will be able to filter orders by date, supplier, status, and currency.


🆕 You will be able to search by reference number, to find easier and faster a specific client’s order.


In the graphical analysis you will be able to see your total purchases, your ‘top products’, your ‘top suppliers’ and the history of your purchases.


The Delivery view button displays the products that you have ordered and their expected delivery date giving you a clear vision of your deliveries!


In the ‘Unread’ section, you will see all orders that you have placed with your suppliers that haven’t, as yet, been yet accepted by them. When a supplier accepts your order, it will also appear in this section.


Finally, in the general Workspace section you will see all the purchases undertaken by your team within that Workspace. You can easily filter by supplier.


Group orders

You can group different orders together to view the total quantity product have you purchased during a given period. Select the orders you want and click on the Group button.


A list of the items will appear, and you will be able to see by item the member of your team who placed the order, the order reference, the status, the load and the price.


At the bottom of the screen, you will see the number of selected orders, the total load, and the total price.


Consentio Mobile App

Go to your ‘Purchases’ section where you will find the information regarding all the purchases performed in Consentio.


Under ‘My purchases’ you will have direct access to all the orders that you have placed showing the status, the Workspace to which they belong, the order reference, the supplier’s name, the delivery address, the date created, the number of items within the order and the total price.


If you click on the order, you will be able to see the order details and you will be able to Download the order in PDF format or to an Excel file. You can also leave comments, upload documents for your supplier and repeat the order.


You will be able to filter the orders by date, supplier, status, and currency.


🆕 You will be able to search by reference number, to find easier and faster a specific client’s order.


In the ‘Unread’ section, you will see all orders that you have placed with your suppliers that haven’t, as yet, been yet accepted by them. When a supplier accepts your order, it will also appear in this section.


Finally, in the general Workspace section you will see all the purchases done by your team within that Workspace, being able to easily filter by supplier.
