Can I have several workspaces?
Can I have several workspaces?

Can I have several workspaces?

If your business is made up of several different operating units, maybe import/export or fresh produce and dry goods, the multi-workspaces is for you. They can reflect the way your business works.

Consentio Webapp

Firstly, click on your Workspaces section and you will see your Workspace and your activated products for sale.


For creating a new workspace, click on the green button Create Workspace.


Next, click on Create sales workspace.


Add the name of your workspace and your workspace will be created.


Finally, set your workspace settings and you will be ready to start creating your products, price groups and add your clients. Once you add your clients, they will have access to your catalogue.


You can decide which catalogue will be shown by default to your clients clicking on the arrow and selecting Activate products for sale by default.


Consentio Mobile App

The creation of new Workspaces is only available in Consentio webapp.

To enable or disable your workspaces click on your Workspaces section and view your workspace by clicking on the icon that appears on the upper left corner.


There you will see your Workspaces and your activated products for sale.


If you want to stop showing the products that one of the workspaces holds, click on the Modify button and select Hide products from clients. From this moment onwards all the clients from that workspace won’t have access to your catalogue.


You can decide which catalogue will be shown by default to your clients selecting Products on sale by default.
