How to choose my company workspace
How to choose my company workspace

How to choose my company workspace

By default when you register in Consentio a new workspace will be created for you, but it won’t yet show your company products. To do this we need to select your company workspace

Consentio Webapp

Firstly, click on your Workspaces section and you will see your Workspace and your activated products for sale.


Go to the other workspace, select Enable products for sale and activate your company workspace.


Finally, select the Activate Workspace button and you will be able to access to your company catalogue and Workspace allowing your clients to see your company products!


Consentio Mobile App

Firstly, click on your Workspaces section and view your workspaces by clicking on the icon that appears on the upper left corner.


There you will see your Workspace and your activated products for sale.


Go to the other workspace, select show products.


Finally, select the Yes, change button and you will be able to access to your company catalogue and Workspace, allowing your clients to see your company products!
