How to create a price group
How to create a price group

How to create a price group

Price Groups allow you to create unique customer / product prices.

Consentio Webapp

To create a price group, navigate to your Workspace and click on the price groups button.


Next click on New price group button to start the creation of your price group.


Firstly, add the clients who you wish to be part of this price group, and enter a name that helps you to easily identify the price group. This name will only be seen by you. Do not forget to add the clients to your Workspace before commencing the price group creation (see how to do it here).


Next, add the products that you would like to offer to these clients by clicking the Save and select products button. You will be able to select them from your Consentio catalogue.


🆕  You will be able to filter the products of your catalogue by their availability, section, type, origine, grade, brand, if it is organic and by size.


Besides, you can also search the name of the product in the search bar. When you have found the product that you want, you just need to click the Select button.


When ready select the Add products button that will appear on the right hand side of your screen.


In the case that you want to select all the products, simply click on the Select and add all the results found button.


Once the products are added you will be able to adjust the prices by applying a discount, a markup, leave them at a fixed price or have the price on request. The changes will be saved in real time!


🆕  When you need to update the prices or products inside of a price group, you can easily do it using the Filters available: product availability, sections, type, adjustment type, origin, grade, brand, organic and size.


You will be able to activate or deactivate your price group at any time by enabling or disabling the green button.


Finally, if your price group prices have transport costs ‘built in’, please select ‘Transport cost included’. If not, please select ‘Transport cost not included’.


Consentio Mobile App

Currently the option of creating price groups for your clients is only available for Consentio Webapp.