What are Magic Orders?
What are Magic Orders?

What are Magic Orders?

Consentio Magic Orders are magic ! They can save you hours of work and headaches! Magic orders enables you to automatically receive orders in multiple formats directly into Consentio, in addition to the catalog.

Consentio Webapp

Go to the client ‘Chat’ and select the Magic orders button.


Next select the View formats button to find out if the format you need is available within Consentio. If not, simply request it by clicking on Ask us button, and we will add it to the list as soon as possible.


Select the format you require. If you have several Workspaces decide to which Workspace it will be added, and then select the file. The upload will take just a few moments.


Once the order is created in Consentio, you must link the reference from the file to the product that you have created in your catalogue by clicking on Search in products.


Click on Select and the two references will be linked. Consentio will now remember the link, so you will only have to do this process once.


If the file is sent by email by your client, you can provide their unique email address to be added as a Carbon Copy in the email and the order will appear in Consentio for you to review.


In the Imported files section, you will be able to see the time that you have saved, the errors that our system has detected and removed, and the total number of imported orders.


You can access the list of your imported orders at any time and see the order status, how much time you have saved, the order reference, the delivery address, the date created, the total number of items and the price.


Finally, the ‘References list’ section shows you the reference number associated with the product within Consentio.


Once the order has been imported correctly it will appear in your Sales section where you will always have access to it. Besides, if you have integrated Consentio with your ERP system this order will pass directly to your system allowing your warehouse team to always be on top. Put some magic to your orders!

Consentio Mobile App

Currently the option of Magic Orders is only available for Consentio Webapp.