Your Sales section
Your Sales section

Your Sales section

Your MY SALES section provides a comprehensive online dashboard reflecting your trading history with Consentio.

Consentio Webapp

Go to your ‘Sales’ section and this will display all the information related to your sales performed in Consentio.


Under ‘My sales’ you will have direct access to the orders that have been processed through Consentio, showing the status, the Workspace (to which they belong), the order reference, the client’s name, the delivery address, the date created, the number of items within the order and the total price.


If you select the envelope icon on the righthand side, you can mark an order as read or unread.


If you click on the order, you can see the full order information and download the order in PDF or Excel format.


You can also modify the order if needed, leave comments and upload documents to your clients.


You can filter your orders by date, and by workspace (if you have more than one), by status, and by currency.


🆕 You will be able to search by reference number, to find easier and faster a specific client’s order.


The graphs will display the total month’s sales, highlight your ‘bestsellers’ and ‘best customers’, and provide a histogram of recent trading.


If you click on Requests, you can see the product information requests coming from your Public shop.


In the ‘Unread’ section, you will find all the orders that are waiting to be reviewed and accepted.


Finally, in the general Workspace section you will see all the transactions performed by your team within that Workspace, and you are able to easily filter and see each member’s orders.


Group orders

You can group orders by date to reflect the pallet loading, and you can see by client what has been sold by the company. Select the orders you want and click on the Group button.


A list of the items will appear with the customer name, the order reference, the status, the load and the price.


At the bottom of the screen, you will see the number of selected orders, the total load, and the total price.


Consentio Mobile App

Go to your ‘Sales’ section and this will display all the information related to your sales performed in Consentio.


Under ‘My sales’ you will have direct access to the orders that have been processed through Consentio, showing the status, the Workspace (to which they belong), the order reference, the client’s name, the delivery address, the date created, the number of items within the order and the total price.


If you click on the order, you will be able to see the full order information and download the order in PDF format.


You can also modify the order if needed, add comments or upload documents for your clients.


You can filter your orders by date, workspace (in case you have more than one), status, and currency.


🆕 You will be able to search by reference number, to find easier and faster a specific client’s order.


In the ‘Unread’ section, you will find all the orders that are waiting to be reviewed and accepted.


Finally, in the general Workspace section you will see all the transactions performed by your team within that Workspace, and easily filter and see each member’s orders.


Group orders

You can group orders by date to reflect the pallet loading, and you can see by client what has been sold by the company. Select the orders you want and click on the Group button. This feature is only available on Consentio Webapp.